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How to move into the vibration of what you desire once and for all?

How to move into the vibration of what you desire once and for all?

I hope you had a wonderful New Year's Eve. My new year eve was very interesting and definitely NOT boring. I invited some of my friends and one of them, my dear friend Monica, planned to do a new years eve ritual.

We all wrote down what we wanted to leave and threw it into the fire before 12 o'clock.

We then shared what we wanted to manifest in 2022 after all the fireworks and well wishes after 12pm. We wrote it down and threw it into the fire.

He handed it over to higher power.
It felt so good to do this.
It felt so good to share and reinforce that.
I hope we make it an annual ritual.

I have already felt profound change taking place in the last few weeks, and now I feel even more changes to come.

I wonder what 2022 will bring us.
I feel so much is possible.

How to move into the vibration of what you desire once and for all

It becomes easier and easier to generate energy and use that energy to create an energetic force field that helps you get rid of what no longer serves you and allows for things that add MUCH more value to your life and the lives of those around you. .

Now is the time to create everything we want and need to be.
So what do you want for this year?

To open your heart?
Do you feel you deserve more?
More self-expression?
To be seen and heard for who you really are?

Everything you want is already there for you, out of sight.

Maybe you can't see it now, but you can energetically touch it.
ALL you have to do is set the intention to do so.
Did you notice this energetic shift?
This is the frequency change.

Keep aligning with that frequency as often as you can.

And anything that is NOT compatible with where you want to go.

But most of the time we DO NOT KNOW what is not compatible AND are afraid to look at it.

Because quitting can be VERY difficult.
You don't want to hurt anyone.

You may think that you are very spoiled and unreasonable because you can already have a pretty good life. WHO DO YOU WANT MORE FROM?

Who are you to let people step up their energetic game for you?

And you don't want to deal with the judgments of people who are influenced by you that you want MORE.

It's hard for people if you change. They may not understand and they may project this frustration onto you and you have to accept it and just let it happen and NOT try to fix it for them.

OR …. worse …. Because the TARGET feels DIFFICULT, they give up on their desires again.

But that's what most people do.
They ask what they want.
The universe shows them what to buy.

Corrects situations that increase their vibration (often in the form of a challenge or contrast.)

They try to overcome it.

But if they're halfway there, sometimes almost there. They left again.

They give up.
They are not ready to be challenged.

They go back to who they are.
They just can't handle what's needed.
But do you know?
This is no longer good and you feel it.
You have ALL of this unrealized potential.

You have ALL these desires that want to come true and it is not right to suppress ANY of them anymore.

Let's be honest: If you've reached the end of your life and looking back, can you REALLY live with yourself?

How proud will you be of yourself when you say on your tombstone:

"It didn't reach its full potential, but at least it didn't offend a lot of people."

“She never had the love she was meant to have, but at least she was “fair” to the people around her and gave them an honest chance.”

"He never lived the life of his dreams and started this business and created a life of total freedom, but at least he experienced a fixed salary and his partner was happy and not threatened by his potential."

And yes, that can trigger you and that's okay. But just think about it.

Just let the resistance be there and REALLY think about it.

What is the REAL reason to hold on to things that no longer serve you?

Who are you kidding here?


And if you say to yourself, “Yes, I agree with that”. Can you really forgive yourself?

How fair do you have to be? Or is it beautiful?

How many chances do you have to give people to finally get what they want?

How much time do you have to make yourself invisible so as not to offend anyone?

How long will you stay silent because people don't understand you?

How lonely do you have to feel because you REALLY let no one in?

How much time do you have to feel “too much” because you are surrounded by people who do not want more than an “average” life for themselves?

Isn't that enough?
This is a new year.

It's time to let go of the old and step into the NEW.

And this time for GOOD.
No return.

You've been on the threshold for too long.

And yes, it can be scary, but the rewards? OMG, the rewards are HUGE.

The feeling of expensiveness you get is VERY intense

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